What is Post Modern Architecture?
Post Modern Architecture is an era that marks the end of the modern architecture era. The term postmodern itself has existed since the 1960–1970s, not only in the world of architecture, but also in the world of art, film and even ideology.
The appearance of postmodern architecture originated from the saturation of modern architecture. At that time, the values of formality and minimalism in modern architecture were considered irrelevant to the demands of the times. Modern architectural building styles are considered to be non-variated, only a uniform and monotonous box shape that creates saturation.
It is precisely the style of the post modern architectural building that is heavily influenced by the style of the previous era. Since the 1980s the building style of postmodern architecture has continued to develop, then in the 1990s its development has continued to grow. Postmodern architectural figures include Charles Jencks, Robert Venturi, Philip Johnson and Michael Graves. There are examples of buildings with a postmodern architectural style, namely the Vanna Venturi House and the Guild House by Robert Venturi.
What is the biggest challenge in reading a post-modern architecture work?
Consequently, the International Style, which was already found among the examples of modernist architecture, was detected once more in postmodern architecture. While the concept of similar aesthetics is quite logical when it comes to modernism, in postmodernism it was a bit of an unusual occurrence. It came as a surprise that most of the architects, coming from different parts of the world, shared a similar idea on what this anti-modern architecture should look like, given that most of them never really worked together (unlike modernists).
The “humorous” architecture will strike you with a recognizable appearance — referencing classical architecture here and there, adding a touch of playfulness, irony and trompe l’oeil when it comes to materials and shapes, with an irrational approach to design, but always for good cause. Postmodern architecture will have shown the world that living in a decorated building is pretty much the same as living in a modernist building, while its exterior will remain a stubborn incarnation of the architect’s own expression. The ways in which to interpret the design are numerous, and this pluralism is typical for the entire 60’s, 70’s and 80’s era, both in art and architecture.
With so many variations of postmodern buildings, the criteria for what defines postmodern work is slightly blurred. Historian Mary McLeod defined the movement as “a desire to make architecture a vehicle of cultural expression.” Postmodernism abandoned the idea of adhering to a specific set of rules and instead encouraged artists to get creative and ornate with their designs as quated in invaluable.com:
Contradiction, Assymetri, Humor, Fragmentation, and last Complexity; Complexity can be used to describe all postmodern works, as the integration of a variety of colors, textures, shapes, and themes construct the framework of these unique buildings. Complexity was used to pivot away from the uniformity of modernism and establish a new style of design. Frank Gehry’s Dancing House is the perfect example of complexity in postmodern architecture; the use of varying mediums and lines helped to create an otherworldly structure.
Whether post-modern architecture is still relevant today?
Yes! Especially in Indonesia, the term postmodern is indeed foreign to the ears of the Indonesian people then and now. However, without realizing it, the postmodern era has developed in this country, even before being initiated by the international community.
This is because culture in Indonesia is plural, varying from Sabang to Merauke. Culture and traditions develop in each area so that the styles of traditional houses are very diverse. As is known, the post-modern architectural style combines art, science, craft and technology. Not only that, the architectural style of this era also applies international and local cultures.
An example of the application of postmodern architecture in Indonesia can be seen through the revitalization of the Saribu Rumah Gadang area.

The project was proclaimed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, and its status is still under construction. By applying a post modern architectural style, people can not only take advantage of the latest technology. In addition, people can be closer to the environment in a geographic and cultural context.
Although it is not a popular term, in fact post modern architecture is one of the architectural styles that is close to everyday life and is also very likely to be applied today, both for commercial buildings and for homes.
Sources: www.invaluable.com , www.99.co , www.rekreartive.com , www.uncubemagazine.com